Cell Therapy

The President of the United States is a white supremacist.

This isn’t a slur. It’s not an attack. It’s not an insult. It’s a fact. The President is a white supremacist.

“White supremacy” means, in a nutshell, the belief that white people are superior to other races. That’s it. It’s not complicated. It’s not intricate. It’s not deep. Do you think white people are better than other people? The President of the United States does.

I don’t say that because his first public notice was for being sued by the US Justice Department for denying housing to black people, though it was.

I don’t say that because he said that “a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market”, though he did.

I don’t say that because he took out four full page ads calling for the death penalty against five black and brown youths falsely accused of raping a woman in Central Park, though he did.

I don’t say that because he’s said, “I know the Chinese. I understand the Chinese mind”, though he has.

I don’t say that because he’s said “laziness is a trait in blacks”, though he has.

I don’t say that because he claimed Indiana-born District Gonzalo Curiel couldn’t judge a case fairly because, “He’s a Mexican. It’s an inherent conflict of interest”, though he did.

I don’t say that because he said, “When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists”, though he did.

I don’t say that because he tweeted a white supremacist-created meme that said blacks kill 81% of white homicide victims, though he did.

I don’t say that because he used a racial slur for Asians in a TIME magazine interview, though he did.

That, and more, prove that he’s racist. We already knew that. Choosing Jeff Sessions said that. The “law and order President” said that. The “very fine people” in the Klan rally said that. None of that proves he’s a white supremacist.

Those stories prove that Donald Trump cares about race. They prove he stereotypes non-white people. They prove he denies opportunity to non-white people and blames them for it. They prove he thinks the system is rigged against white people and he needs to change that. They prove he demonizes non-white people as the “other”. None of that means, necessarily, that he thinks white people are better.

What does?

The President’s belief in eugenics.

The President of the United States, in 2017, believes that human beings can, and should, be bred to be high-achieving.

He believes, right now in America, that we can put certain men and women together to create super beings.

He’s proud of his german blood. He thinks he was born with drive and intellect that others weren’t. He thinks he, and others like him, were bred to be successful.

He’s a white supremacist because he LITERALLY believes that white people are genetically superior to other people.

Got it?



He’s not a white supremacist because he’s racist. He’s not a white supremacist because he defends white supremacists. He’s a white supremacist because he LITERALLY thinks white people are born with special genes that make them high achievers.

I’m just following the Conservative lead. They hate political correctness. Message received! I’ll speak truth even when it’s not polite.

The President of the United States, in 2017, is a eugenics-believing, racism-spouting white supremacist. Saying so shouldn’t get you fired. It’s not even controversial.

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